Video Tutorials: How to Knit Snowman Mobile Phone Cover (Part 1)

Hi Everyone!

I’m excited to share this video with you … First, I was dreading to start compiling the Snowman mobile phone cover video (you will see soon why I was dreading that moment!) . Well it’s because it’s huge!!! The whole video when I am done with it will contain step by step tutorials on how to create the cover from start to finish. You know what they say, the first step is usually the hardest. So once I get started, everything just flows on and so here we have the first part of the video tutorials ready now 🙂

I am working on the next part and will share them all on the blog once ready. I am not sure how many parts there will be in total, I will need to separate them as it takes so long to encode the video. I will clearly label each part so you know exactly where things are. The first part contains knitting the Front Side from Row 1 – Row 7.

How to Knit Snowman Mobile Phone Cover (Part 1)

Remember, if you do make the snowman phone case, I would love it if you can share them with me by either sending me the photos via email for a chance to be published in the blog / tag me on Facebook / upload them in my Ravelry

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